Austell Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

At Hines Law, we understand what it takes to fight large insurance companies who are trying to take advantage of workers who are trying to recover workers’ compensation benefits in Austell. The entire process can be difficult and confusing, from filing the initial workers’ compensation claim to finding an approved doctor and even seeking medical treatment, it’s easy to get lost, become overwhelmed, and make mistakes.

Because of how complex these cases can be, we recommended getting in touch with our legal team as soon as possible. Our team will prepare each case as if we are going to take it to trial. We also have no problem doing this, if needed.

Our goal is to ensure each client receives the workers’ compensation benefits they deserve.

If you have any questions about your compensation claim, you can trust our legal team to have the answers you are searching for. You can also count on us to provide you with experienced legal representation.

You can also seek our help if your employer or their insurance company has said that your injury or illness was not related to your job, nor did it happen while you were working.

What Should You Do if You Are Injured While on the Job?

If you suffer an on-the-job injury, there are a few steps you should take right away. These include:

  • Report the accident or incident to your supervisor or employer immediately (co-worker doesn’t count)
  • Get medical treatment as soon as possible and be sure to follow the treatment plan provided by your doctor
  • Make sure to keep a written record of the injuries you suffered and the symptoms you are dealing with
  • Take any photos of the injuries you sustained and the symptoms you face
  • File your workers’ compensation claim with the help of our legal team
  • Take time to rest and recover from your injury or illness

Do You Have the Right to Sue Your Employer in Georgia?

In most situations, you won’t have the right to sue your employer if you experience a work injury. The reason for this is that workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. What this means is that an injured employee can receive workers’ compensation benefits to cover a portion of their wages and provide medical benefits no matter who is at fault.

However, you can only receive these benefits if you agree not to sue your employer. The workers’ compensation law in Georgia provides protection for your employer and lets you collect the benefits you are entitled to while you are recovering from your injury and unable to work.

If there was someone, besides your employer (a third party), who was at fault for your work injury, it may be possible to pursue a lawsuit against the third party and recover compensation for the damages you suffered. The possible compensation that you can receive in a lawsuit against a third party is usually different than what you receive when you file a workers’ compensation claim.

For example, the compensation that you receive for bodily injuries under a negligence lawsuit is usually much higher than the medical benefits and wage loss benefits that are provided by workers’ compensation insurance.

If the injury that you suffered caused some type of severe or chronic pain, then you may be able to receive compensation for the pain and suffering you experienced by filing a third-party lawsuit. However, this isn’t available through a workers’ compensation claim.

The best way to know your rights and what you can do is to speak to our workers’ compensation attorneys at Hines Law. We will provide you with a free case evaluation to better understand your situation and determine if we can help.

What Will Your Austell Workers’ Compensation Claim be Worth?

To know the value of your case, you have to know what factors go into the benefit amount. Some of the things that workers’ comp will cover include:

  • All medical treatment: If the treatment is provided by an authorized physician, you can receive benefits for all necessary and reasonable treatment. This includes X-rays, diagnostic procedures, surgery, prescription medications, and more. You don’t have to worry about paying co-pays or a deductible. The workers’ compensation insurance coverage should pay all these costs.
  • Rehab costs: If you require some type of ongoing rehabilitation, such as physical or occupational therapy, workers’ compensation benefits should cover this.
  • Travel costs: The costs you have to pay to travel to doctor’s appointments and other places to receive treatment for your injury will be covered. This includes the ambulance ride, mileage on your vehicle for follow-up appointments, and related travel costs.
  • Income loss replacement: The income replacement that is offered with workers’ compensation insurance provides two-thirds of what your average weekly wage is. There is a cap of $575 each week. The goal of this is to cover your expenses during your temporary disability.
  • PPD (permanent partial disability): You can receive additional if your authorized doctor determines that your injury will impact your life and assigns a disability rating to it.

Let Our Experienced Austell Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Help You

At Hines Law, we are more than ready to go to bat for you to help you receive the full amount of benefits you deserve. Receiving a fair amount of compensation is going to provide you with the benefits needed to overcome the injury at work.

While there are no guarantees with any legal situation, you can trust our legal team at Hines Law to give you the experienced legal representation you need to ensure you get the full amount of compensation deserve.

Remember, the workers’ compensation law can be tricky. It’s because of this, that you need to take steps to protect your rights. One of these steps is getting in touch with our legal team at Hines Law.