Construction zones are noisy, smoky, and have sparks flying around which makes them naturally risky. Therefore, skilled workers need to be hired, and there are strict rules about barriers, safety gear, and who can enter. Despite these safety measures, accidents can still happen, and workers might get hurt. Hence, if you have been hurt in a construction zone, you should team up with a skilled Atlanta construction accident lawyer and submit a personal injury claim through the responsible party’s insurance. These professionals hold the expertise and empathy needed to manage a complicated case like a construction zone injury.

workers comp lawyer

The Legal Responsibility of Workers in a Construction Zone

The active construction zones are usually regulated and dangerous areas. It means the property owner has a legal duty to make it safe for themselves, passengers, drivers, etc. However, by neglecting or because, in a reckless manner, they put others at risk of construction accidents or injury.

Typical Examples of Careless Behavior by the Construction Company or Property Owner Include:

  • Not providing proper training to workers
  • Not cleaning the construction site
  • Stopping traffic suddenly
  • Hiring inexperienced workers
  • Not marking off construction zones

However, drivers and passersby are required to be careful. Because of the increased risk, pedestrians are required to follow the barriers, and drivers should operate their vehicles cautiously. According to the Official Code of Georgia Section 40-6-188, construction zones must have a lowered speed limit to minimize the risk of accidents.

In Georgia, the current legal framework involves a modified comparative negligence law. It means that you can be deemed partially at fault for an accident and still seek damages. E.g., if you’re speeding in a construction zone where workers are behaving negligently or recklessly, you might be considered partially responsible. As long as your responsibility is not 50% or more, you can file a claim with the help of an Atlanta construction accident lawyer for damages.

How an Experienced Atlanta Construction Accident Lawyer Can Help?

When you have been hurt in a construction zone because of another party’s negligence, you have the legal right to file a claim for your losses. However, navigating the complex legal procedure alone can be quite challenging. It is normal to have confusion and questions regarding what to do, and how to do, after a construction accident. Therefore, consulting with a reliable Atlanta construction accident lawyer can help you understand your options, protect your legal rights, and take the right steps.

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Take the Legal Help Now

Dealing with the financial burden of medical expenses and lost income because of a construction zone accident can be overwhelming. Thus, allow the skilled team at Hines Law to handle the legal intricacies, allowing you to focus on healing and recovery. Our committed team of workers comp lawyers in Atlanta possesses extensive experience in navigating Georgia’s construction zone laws. With a collective experience, our team is dedicated to securing the justice and benefits you deserve.