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- Marijuana Charge Case Dismissed Entirely
Marijuana Charge Case Dismissed Entirely

Contact: Frederick R. Mann Jr., Esq.
Criminal Attorney
(770) 941-0913 Ext. 1023
Email: Fredrick@hineslaw.com
Charges Dismissed
August 9, 2018
- Possession of Marijuana Charge
- Cobb County Courthouse
COBB COUNTY – The client, then on felony probation for Cannabis Possession, was parked outside his parents’ house behind the wheel of his girlfriend’s Jeep.
The girlfriend was in the front passenger seat. The police pulled up to investigate what was happening in the car because of the late hour and the Officer noticed the smell of cannabis when the car’s window was lowered.
He noticed the smell of cannabis and then ran the defendant’s driver license which confirmed he was on felony probation. He and the girl were then ordered out of the car and its interior was searched.
A bag of cannabis was found in the glovebox. The defendant, whose parents are Nigerian, was then arrested.
Criminal defense attorney Frederick Mann, Jr. was able to speak to the girlfriend while the misdemeanor case was pending and she admitted the cannabis was hers alone. She then provided an Affidavit to this effect and the prosecutor ultimately dismissed the case entirely.
The family was very happy with the outcome.
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