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Driving Without a License Gets Reduced

Contact: Frederick R. Mann Jr., Esq.
Criminal Attorney
(770) 941-0913 Ext. 1023
Email: Fredrick@hineslaw.com
August 1, 2018
Improper Backing
Driving Without a Licence
Union City Courthouse in South Fulton
FULTON COUNTY – The client, a Mexican citizen, was involved in an car accident where he backed into a woman’s Mercedes and did substantial damage to both his vehicle and the other driver and her vehicle. The other driver called the police (Fulton County) who responded and sent the woman to the hospital in an ambulance.
The defendant’s vehicle suffered about $1000 worth of damage. He later was x-rayed and was told a disc in his back has been damaged. The defendant was charged with Improper Backing and driving without a drivers license.
Criminal defense attorney Frederick Mann, Jr. traveled to Union City for his Arraignment/Plea calendar call today. He had voluntarily done 20 hours of community service through his church and brought proof of that with him to court. The judge wanted to impose 2 days jail as his sentence but I convinced her to let him pay a larger fine instead, and do more community service (20 more hours; total fines and costs of $1277).
The client is 50 and the sole support of 2 children under 6 and their mother. The woman and the kids were at the courthouse. The greatest mitigating circumstance was the fact the client only backed up because an 18 wheeler was turning at the intersection without enough clearance and was about to hit the defendant’s car when he backed up to avoid being hit. The judge was very complimentary to attorney Mann Jr. in front of a packed courtroom and the prosecutor said she NEVER suspends the 2 day jail element. A win for sure.
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