
Driving Tips for When The Roads Are Wet And Slippery - Law Offices of Matthew C. Hines | Hines Law

Written by Matthew C. Hines | Sep 23, 2023 11:56:44 AM

Driving is one of the most convenient methods of transportation we’ve ever had the pleasure of using as a


commodity. We use it so regularly that we just go on the road without really thinking what really awaits us out there. It’s bad enough as is to have to deal with potholes, traffic, and other hazards on the road. It’s even worse when the roads get wet as a result of a rainy day, and slippery from whatever hazards that may be on the road. The best thing to do would be to avoid traveling on the road until the weather cleared and it’s safe to do so, but if you must be on the road whether it rains or shines, then here are seven tips for you on how to be safe out on wet and slippery roads.

  1. Make sure that before you get on the road, your car is working properly. Especially the headlights and taillights, because they are crucial during rainy travels. Visibility can be reduced dramatically depending on how hard it rains, so those having those lights in working conditions is crucial to being safe on the road.
  2. Along with checking the lights on your car, it is equally important to check the tires before heading out on a rainy day. It is really important to make sure the tires have excellent traction in order to avoid being at risk of injury. This means that if your tires are worn down, it might be time to replace them.
  3. When driving out in the rain, limiting your speed limit is a must because once again visibility can be greatly reduced if the rain is too heavy. Additionally, there’s a possibility of experiencing hydroplaning when the water levels are too elevated on the road. There’s also the fact that tires are running on a thin layer of water which can cause them to become slippery; making it difficult to break or steer while driving at high speeds during the rain.
  4. Using headlights is strongly necessary when driving out in the rain, even if there’s a slight mist, having them on is going to increase your visibility, and other drivers are going to be able to see your car more easily on the road.
  5. Windshield wipers must be in good condition as they’re the tool that keeps your visibility as clear as possible on the road. If they are in bad shape, you run the risk of having a distorted view while driving under the rain, which is why it is recommended to change them at least once a year.
  6. It’s best to keep your car away from the water as much as possible while driving under the rain. The reason being is that you want to avoid running the risk of skidding or hydroplaning if you find yourself driving through those waters. It is advisable to drive into a different lane and avoid the waters altogether.
  7. Avoid slamming the brakes when the rain is heavy as it can cause your car to slide forward and lose control over the car. Best to slow down by easing off the accelerator and slowing down as much as possible instead of hitting the breaks.

Being cautious when driving in the rain is one of the most essential things to do when you find yourself on the road. It can prevent you from having a terrible Car Accident in Atlanta, and also keep other drivers around safe because the hazards caused by the rain are difficult to manage as they are.

It’s far more important to drive carefully and patiently when the roads are wet and slippery, and with these tips, you may improve the chances of getting to your destination a whole lot more.

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