
4 Things to Do After a DUI Arrest in Atlanta - Law Offices of Matthew C. Hines | Hines Law

Written by Matthew C. Hines | Sep 23, 2023 11:56:44 AM

If you believe that DUI (driving under the influence) charges aren’t that big, you should think again. In fact, if you are arrested for DUI in Georgia, you may spend some time in jail. In the metro part of Atlanta, the average amount of time that a person arrested for DUI will spend in jail is 10 days.

However, that’s not the only consequence you may face. As a first-time offender, you may lose your license for at least four months, but this can last for up to a year. You will also have to pay for court costs related to the charge, complete community service and driving school, pay for the installation of an interlock device in your vehicle, and more. Because of all the potential consequences, a single DUI can cost you a lot of time and several thousand dollars.

If your DUI case results in a conviction, then it can result in extremely high insurance costs for several years. It will also remain on your driving record for the rest of your life.

While this is true, just because you are arrested for DUI in Atlanta, it doesn’t mean you are going to be convicted. Taking the right steps and making the right decision after you are arrested will help to increase the possibility of a lesser charge or even being acquitted. The steps you should take to protect your rights and reduce the risk of a conviction after being charged with an Atlanta DUI can be found here.

1. Hire an Attorney to Help with Your Case

Until the mid-part of the 1990s, general practice lawyers could easily handle DUI cases. However, when forensic science was introduced to the situation, the DUI laws in the area started to shift and became much more complex. Today, you should make sure that you hire and use the services of an experienced DUI attorney, like our team at the Law Office of Matthew C Hines, for your DUI charge. Also, the law is constantly changing, so you need an attorney that will stay updated with these changes to ensure they can provide you with the best possible representation for your case.

2. Focus on the Desired Results

You must think about the “big picture.” For example, would you rather pay a professional and experienced attorney one time or have to cover the costs of a DUI conviction via high insurance premiums, lost wages, DUI school, and license reinstatement fees?

After being arrested for a DUI, one of the most important things that you can do is to avoid being convicted and not try to save money by skimping on the lawyer you hire or your defense strategy.

At Hines Law, you can count on our legal team to provide you with the quality defense that you need and put all our resources and expertise behind your situation.

3. Be Proactive

No one wants to have to deal with all the issues that go along with a DUI hearing. However, this is a necessary part of the process. You should request this hearing at the Department of Driver’s Services. Sometimes, they are going to get in touch with you first. This must be done within 30 days of when your arrest took place. If you fail to do this, you will forfeit your license before you even go to trial.

4. Don’t Base Your Legal Strategy on a Friend’s Advice

While your friends likely mean well, unless they have a legal background in DUI defense, they can’t provide you with the helpful and accurate advice you need about your situation and potential consequences. It’s also important to realize that each case is unique and what worked for one person may not be right for your case. Also, what is even more important, is that you should not assume that the contacts your friends have in the legal system will be able to help you.

Contact Our Legal Team for Help with Your Georgia DUI Charge

If you have been arrested for DUI in Atlanta, the steps you take after the arrest are important. Be sure to use the tips and information here, which will help you have the best possible outcome for your case.

We have defended countless DUI cases and can provide you with the high-quality legal defense you need and deserve. The first step is to get in touch with our legal team to schedule a consultation to discuss your claim. Once we know the situation, we can create a custom defense strategy for your situation.

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